Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Slides in New Zealand are very very tall. But somehow it only took Radhi a couple of minutes to get used to it. Today we cooked tomyam, bought frozen shrimp at the market. Takde la nak jumpa fresh ones at the market like back home. Boleh tahan jugak rasa dia, took the lemon from our yard to make it more masam.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hi Ibu and Led, welcome to kiwitinto

Last week's photo, sebab Ibu n Led dah start view the blog so I thought it might be nice to put a photo of Radhi and Fay together

Friday, November 21, 2008

View from the bridge entering the botanical garden. Postcard material but I'm sure thousands of shots have been taken from this point. Angin kuat pulak tu.

Fay at Burnside Park

We went to eat fish n chips at Burnside Park, next to Burnside Rugby club field. We let Fay explore. Semalam ternampak hedgehog cross jalan, terkujat jugak

Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is part of the yard at our house. Part of our rental agreement includes that we've to maintain the compound. Ada vege plots kat sebelah garage, we plan to plant strawberries in winter..........kalau tak heavy snow la. Tapi yang pasti lepas ni ice lemon tea amik lemon dr pokok....heheh.....peach halves buat sendiri....kena beli buku how to bottle your own fruits....heheh

Radhi immobilized

This is Radhi at a park in Fendalton. We went there for houseviewing and stopped at the park because we were early. Chch have hundreds of parks like this and all of them a very well maintained. Which is fantastic for us because we can bring Radhi and Fay to different parks everyday.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Botanical Garden

We reached the park at about 6pm. Parked way outside Hagley Park, dekat tepi museum. Waktu jalan masuk temp was 20degrees (cant stop talking bout the weather aren't I?). Cold and windy but my son Radhi said he felt hot, made me wonder how thick his skin is. This photo was taken at the bridge entering the botanical park. Since it was already 6, the lighting's not so good. Org lain semua sejuk except for Radhi

Monday, November 17, 2008

Auckland airport

This is the airport transfer walkway from international to domestic. If this is back home we'd be toasted. Almost 1km walk, but no prob here.

Fay main kat jalan

Notice the car at the back? That's our new car........hahah....gotcha. We are renting the car for 20dollars a day, apparently the owner is back for a holiday at home. He's selling it for NZD7k plus plus......quite cheap considering the condition...and of course cheaper than home. This is our's host's house. Here every house have their own garden, in spring all the flowers bloom. Kalau rumah tak penah jaga pun dia akan keluar bunga jugak. Mostly people here are avid gardeners. Thats why I added to the tagline "chrischurch the garden city" with another phrase......."the city of gardeners". Looks like I have to join in the fray if I wanna rent a property.